"I am here to seduce you into a love of life; to help you to become a little more poetic; to help you die to the mundane and to the ordinary so that the extraordinary explodes in your life.”
~ Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

Heart Shaped Earth
I had intended my first post to be something of a different title. However, when I initially set up this blog on Word Press, the sample post was titled “Hello World”, so I thought to myself, why not? Why not write something in keeping with the thought of Hello World? So here goes. Hello world…, my name is Jannie Lewis… I’m so happy that you stopped by to visit with me for a few moments. You’re welcome here anytime. I hope that you stop by often. My posts are simply a collection of some of my pondered thoughts that I’ve written down to share with anyone who might want to read them. They are nothing more and nothing less than my thoughts. These posts are not by any means intended to offend anyone. This blog is meant to be an outlet for sharing positive information only. My sister Jacqueline has perfected her own unique method of processing information that you might like to try (in this case, the information being my thoughts); “Treat it like a bowl of cherries. Eat the fruit and throw out the pits.” With that said, it is my sincere wish that the posts of this blog will enlighten, inspire and uplift you in some small way. If nothing else, may they serve you by bringing to mind a warm thought, a fond memory or maybe even a delightful smile to your face. Please feel free to share the information on this blog with others. Enjoy!

And once again… Hello World!!!