Simple pleasures are always the last refuge of the complex.” ~ Oscar Wilde
Simple Pleasures...
The word pleasure has been defined as (1) the state or feeling of being pleased, and (2) enjoyment or satisfaction derived from what is to one’s liking; gratification; delight.

Since we’re all clear as to what pleasure means, I’ll ask you this simple question. When was the last time that you truly enjoyed one of the simpler pleasures of life? The last time I found myself enjoying a simple pleasure was last night when my daughter gave me a at home pedicure. I had gotten so used to going to the nail salon, that I never gave any thought to doing my own feet other than my purple Mr. Pumice at bath time and foot lotion with sleep socks at bed time. Well wouldn’t you know it, I stumped my toe and broke a corner off of my nail so I resorted to trimming it myself. As I was rummaging through the nail bag for the proper tool, my daughter came in and asked me what I was doing. I told her I was about to trim my toenail. After several minutes of nonstop laughter and teasing, she asked, “Ms. Bougie doing her own nails… really?” I replied, “I sure am smarty pants.” Then on a more serious note Jasmine politely asked me if I wanted her to give me a pedicure. Of course normally I would had scoffed and sarcastically said, “No thank you.” but oddly enough for some strange reason my response was a very sincere “Yes Pea that would be great!” Usually, I would have just refrained from wearing any type of shoes that left your toes exposed until I could have gotten to the nail salon. Unlike me, Jasmine loves doing her own pedicures at home in between salon visits so she has all the gadgets, right down to the spa foot tub and paraffin wax apparatus that you dip your hands and feet into! Jasmine got busy right away at the task at hand and pulled out all her wonderful little pedicure goodies. She quickly began working her pedicure magic; taking the polish off my toes trimming, shaping, buffing and so on and so forth. We were laughing and talking and having a really good time. For a moment, my thoughts took me back in time to when Jasmine was a little girl. I remembered that on Saturday nights I would always polish her toes a lovely shade of pink for church on Sunday. I suddenly began to notice how nice this particular moment felt. Jasmine and I usually enjoy our pedicures sitting side by side in those wonderful spa pedicure massaging chairs at our favorite nail salon with a cold beverage in one hand, a cell phone in the other hand and a magazine across our laps making small talk with our favorite nail technician. But tonight there’s no spa pedicure massaging chairs, cell phones, magazines, or nail technicians; just a grateful mom, a loving daughter, two iced teas and one great pedicure, no tip required!

“Dancing with the feet is one thing,
but dancing with the heart is another."
~ Anonymous

When was last time that you danced with GOD? I have personally found that one sure fire way to effortlessly experience Heaven on Earth is simply dancing with GOD. And no you don’t have to dance like Fred Astaire in order to qualify. It’s very simple really. That’s the only prerequisite for dancing with GOD. Let go of the ego, the fear, the worry and any other unnecessary baggage you may be carrying around. Check those bags at the front door (hopefully that luggage will get lost forever), step inside; the angels are playing your song, hit the dance floor and always, always, always let your partner (GOD) take the lead.

Just about any song set to almost any kind of music will do. You choose; after all, it’s your dance and yours and GOD’s alone. My two favorite songs for dancing with God songs are Hari Har by Joseph Michael Levry (Gurunam) and Ong Namo by Snatam Kaur. This absolutely does for me! Hari Har is my “beam me up Scotty” song. On some occasions I find my vibrations lower than I would like, so I’ll listen to this song and immediately feel better. It literally has the power to raise my vibrations instantly to a place of feeling like a million bucks! In the event that I’m already feeling like a million bucks, the feeling only intensifies. When I’m listening to Ong Namo I feel as if my heart will leap right out of my body. My mind, body, soul and spirit are taken to such higher a place that words cannot even come close to explaining the experience. It’s a place that’s far, far beyond the vast realms of ecstasy and euphoria, just past the outermost boundaries of nirvana.  It’s like being in a state of pure bliss to the gazillionth power if there is such a thing. I strongly feel GOD’s presence whenever I listen to these songs, I absolutely love, love, love the feelings of God and I dancing, laughing and having the most wonderful time together ever imaginable! The bible tells us that King David danced before GOD with so much love and devotion that he danced right out of his clothes. He didn’t care who was looking at him or what they thought about him. None of that mattered to him. All that mattered to him was GOD and dancing. And even though I’ve never danced out of my clothes, I can definitely relate to what King David must have felt as he was dancing with GOD.

Spend some time today just… Dancing with GOD.

"Love is the nature of life.
Peace is the outcome of life.
Light is the means by which life accomplishes its purpose." ~Dr. Joseph Michael Levry (Gurunam)

Love before me
Love behind me

Love at my left
Love at my right
Love above me
Love below me
Love unto me
Love in my surroundings
Love to all
Love to the Universe

Peace before me
Peace behind me

Peace at my left
Peace at my right
Peace above me
Peace below me
Peace unto me
Peace in my surroundings
Peace to all
Peace to the Universe
 Light before me
Light behind me
Light at my left
Light at my right
Light above me
Light below me
Light unto me
Light in my surroundings
Light to all
Light to the Universe
Can it really be that simple? Yes it can. Please don’t be fooled by the simplicity of this beautiful prayer. Although its words appear to be simple, they contain a tremendous amount of Divine light and infinite spiritual power. The Prayer of Light imparts an amazing two-fold blessing in the life of anyone that recites it and shares this Divine light and infinite spiritual power. Not only does it bless the one reciting it so many wonderful ways, but also as you recite these simple words of infinite spiritual power and send them out into the Universe you automatically cause this Divine light and infinite spiritual power to be released into the lives of all mankind. This Divine light and infinite spiritual power will enlighten, heal, help, and uplift the whole world.

You can serve mankind in a much needed and very major way by reciting this prayer daily. By doing so, you will not only be making an enormous impact on your own life in positive ways, but you will also be making contribution that causes a profound and significant affect in the lives of everyone else everywhere else.

"I am here to seduce you into a love of life; to help you to become a little more poetic; to help you die to the mundane and to the ordinary so that the extraordinary explodes in your life.”
~ Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

Heart Shaped Earth
I had intended my first post to be something of a different title. However, when I initially set up this blog on Word Press, the sample post was titled “Hello World”, so I thought to myself, why not? Why not write something in keeping with the thought of Hello World? So here goes. Hello world…, my name is Jannie Lewis… I’m so happy that you stopped by to visit with me for a few moments. You’re welcome here anytime. I hope that you stop by often. My posts are simply a collection of some of my pondered thoughts that I’ve written down to share with anyone who might want to read them. They are nothing more and nothing less than my thoughts. These posts are not by any means intended to offend anyone. This blog is meant to be an outlet for sharing positive information only. My sister Jacqueline has perfected her own unique method of processing information that you might like to try (in this case, the information being my thoughts); “Treat it like a bowl of cherries. Eat the fruit and throw out the pits.” With that said, it is my sincere wish that the posts of this blog will enlighten, inspire and uplift you in some small way. If nothing else, may they serve you by bringing to mind a warm thought, a fond memory or maybe even a delightful smile to your face. Please feel free to share the information on this blog with others. Enjoy!

And once again… Hello World!!!