“Dancing with the feet is one thing,
but dancing with the heart is another."
~ Anonymous

When was last time that you danced with GOD? I have personally found that one sure fire way to effortlessly experience Heaven on Earth is simply dancing with GOD. And no you don’t have to dance like Fred Astaire in order to qualify. It’s very simple really. That’s the only prerequisite for dancing with GOD. Let go of the ego, the fear, the worry and any other unnecessary baggage you may be carrying around. Check those bags at the front door (hopefully that luggage will get lost forever), step inside; the angels are playing your song, hit the dance floor and always, always, always let your partner (GOD) take the lead.

Just about any song set to almost any kind of music will do. You choose; after all, it’s your dance and yours and GOD’s alone. My two favorite songs for dancing with God songs are Hari Har by Joseph Michael Levry (Gurunam) and Ong Namo by Snatam Kaur. This absolutely does for me! Hari Har is my “beam me up Scotty” song. On some occasions I find my vibrations lower than I would like, so I’ll listen to this song and immediately feel better. It literally has the power to raise my vibrations instantly to a place of feeling like a million bucks! In the event that I’m already feeling like a million bucks, the feeling only intensifies. When I’m listening to Ong Namo I feel as if my heart will leap right out of my body. My mind, body, soul and spirit are taken to such higher a place that words cannot even come close to explaining the experience. It’s a place that’s far, far beyond the vast realms of ecstasy and euphoria, just past the outermost boundaries of nirvana.  It’s like being in a state of pure bliss to the gazillionth power if there is such a thing. I strongly feel GOD’s presence whenever I listen to these songs, I absolutely love, love, love the feelings of God and I dancing, laughing and having the most wonderful time together ever imaginable! The bible tells us that King David danced before GOD with so much love and devotion that he danced right out of his clothes. He didn’t care who was looking at him or what they thought about him. None of that mattered to him. All that mattered to him was GOD and dancing. And even though I’ve never danced out of my clothes, I can definitely relate to what King David must have felt as he was dancing with GOD.

Spend some time today just… Dancing with GOD.
Ong Namo… Snatam Kaur ~ For Snatman Kaur music, please visit her website at http://www.snatamkaur.com/

Hari Har is 5th track on the Sounds of the Ether CD, by Joseph Michael Levry (Gurunam). If you to experience the beauty and wonder of the Rootlight Sacred Music CD Series for yourself, please visit www.rootlight.com. A free mp3 download of Gurunam’s 2010 version of Eck Ong Kar and Hu – The Seed Sound may be found at www.universalforceyoga.com

When I meditated on the word Guidance,
I kept seeing “dance” at the end of the word.
I remember reading that doing God’s will is a lot like dancing. When two people try to lead, nothing feels right. The movement doesn’t flow with the music,
and everything is quite uncomfortable and jerky.
When one person realizes that, and lets the other lead,
both bodies begin to flow with the music.
One gives gentle cues, perhaps with a nudge to the back or by pressing lightly in one direction or another.
It’s as if two become one body, moving beautifully.
The dance takes surrender, willingness, and attentiveness from one person and gentle guidance and skill from the other.

My eyes drew back to the word Guidance.
When I saw “G,” I thought of God,
followed by “u” and “i.”
“God, ‘u’ and ‘I’ dance.”
God, you, and I dance.
As I lowered my head, I became willing to trust
that I would get guidance about my life.
Once again, I became willing to let God lead.

My prayer for you today is that God’s blessings
and mercies are upon you on this day and everyday.
May you abide in God, as God abides in you.
Dance together with God, trusting God to lead
and to guide you through each season of your life.

Poem taken from the website www.thesitefights.com 

A copy of this poem may also be found at, bolstablog.wordpress.com/2009/11/16/dancing/

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